Why choose Hardie Ranches Beef?
Below are the standards and certifications we are proud to have:
Value Added Calf (VAC) Weaning program
At weaning, our calves are backgrounded (away from mom) for at least 45 days. This amount of time alleviates sucks calves. They are inoculated with an 8 way, wormer and a modified live virus.
certified natural plus
This program verifies that our calves have never received hormones, antibiotics, or animal by-products.
superioR® progressive genetics
An innovated value added program launched by Superior Auctions to enhance marketing of cattle with top genetics. This certification sets the benchmark for doing genetics right.
bvd free program
All calves are given the vaccine “One Shot” and Bova Shield Gold 5 to prevent Bovine Viral Diarrhea BVD.
superior® Source & Age Verified
The Source & Age Verification program is a USDA approved, non-biased, third-party audit that verifies the source and age of our calves.